Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger being interviewed (Photo Courtesy of NFL.com)
Sorry I haven't updated you about the 3rd half and 4th half of the game live due to the fact that my laptop was acting weird during those matches. It turns off, then ON, then off. I tried to blog in my mobile phone but it's hard to me to update this blog because I'm not used to updating my blog in my mobile phone. So as the title says, the Pittsburgh Steelers won again!
They did great from the 1st round up to the 3rd round. But the Cardinals did a very good job on the 4th round. The
Arizona Cardinals scored 16, whereas the
Pittsburgh Steelers only scored 7, now that's a great lead isn't it? But too bad on the second round, because the Cardinals did nothing to boost up their score. Their score was stucked up at level 0 while the Steelers scored 3 points.
That's what happened during the 3rd and 4th rounds. The Cardinals almost made it and they played a VERY GOOD game during the Super Bowl XLIII (Super Bowl 43). The final score is
27-23 in favor of the Steelers. How good was that? The Cardinals really made this finals so much awesome. They almost won, just almost. That's only a 4-point lead from the Steelers. Oh yeah! This was fun. The Super Bowl was fun. Everything was fun! I'm looking forward Seeing the Cardinals again next year at Super Bowl XLIIII (Super Bowl 44).
I hope they can still make it next year. Or someone better that them who can beat the Steelers back to back. But I guess, the Steelers are really tough, even the New York Giants can't push them outside the pedestal of victory.
Once again, congratulations to the Pittsburgh Steelers for winning the Super Bowl XLIII, also known as the Super Bowl 2009 (Super Bowl 43).
Great game guys!